Enriching Souls and Enriching Society

Fostering an academic community focused on ethics and societal impact in business.

“Authentic human development concerns the whole of the person in every single dimension.”

Pope Benedict XVI, Caritas in Veritae

Join us for the Frank Cahill Lecture in Business Ethics

Geoffrey Friesen - Finance in the Common Good | Thursday, October 3rd | 4 P.M. | Debartolo Hall 101

Learn More

Ways To Be Involved

  • Grow the Good in Business banner hanging in Mendoza College of Business atrium

    Business and the Common Good Minor

    An intellectual community of students and faculty who share a special interest in the philosophical and theological foundations of careers in business and of citizenship in a commercial society.

  • group of International Business Scholars students posed in front of colorful buildings on their Poland Immersion

    Fellows Programs

    Tailored colloquiums for faculty and students interested in exploring the intersection of business and society.

  • Keeley Williams Cahill Speaker Series Video

    Speaker Series

    Open to the community, these events feature perspectives from across industries to explore ethical and societal issues facing business leaders today.